parodontax original toothpaste
parodontax Active Gum Repair for gum health and bleeding gums

parodontax Toothpaste for Gum Health

Healthy gums don’t bleed, so if you see any blood when you brush or floss this is not normal.

parodontax for gum health and bleeding gums

parodontax is Clinically Proven to Help Improve Gum Health

Are Your Gums Telling You Something? Healthy gums don’t bleed. If you’re noticing a little bit of blood when you brush, it could be an early sign of gum disease. Learn how parodontax toothpaste can help prevent bleeding gums when used twice daily.


Find out more


Learn more about how gum disease progresses if it’s left unchecked for too long.


bleeding gums icon

Bleeding gums

Typically, healthy gums don’t hurt and healthy gums don’t bleed. Bleeding gums could very well be an early sign of gum disease.

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Swollen gums

Red or swollen gums can be caused by plaque buildup between your teeth and gums and are a symptom of gingivitis, an early form of gum disease. 

It’s important to act quickly.

bad breath icon

Bad breath

Not only can bad breath 

be embarrassing, it can also be a sign of gum disease. The buildup of food and dental bacterial plaque on the teeth and tongue can irritate gums and lead to bad breath.

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Receding gums

If left untreated, gum disease can cause gum recession and tooth loss. At this point, brushing alone will not treat the condition. The damage is irreversible and will require treatment from your dentist.

tooth loss

Tooth loss

When gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, the gum support of your teeth can be weakened by plaque buildup hardening and turning into tartar. 

How parodontax Toothpaste Works

parodontaxTM is a toothpaste that is clinically proven to help reduce bleeding gums. When used twice daily, it significantly reduces plaque and bleeding gums after 12 weeks.