The health of your mouth includes everything from the surface of your teeth to the oral microbiomes that are vital to your general well-being.1 Among these oral health components is your tongue, which naturally harbors plaque bacteria that can lead to oral health issues like bad breath or gingivitis.1 Learn how to clean your tongue and use mouth rinse, while always following product directions, to help rid your mouth of harmful plaque bacteria. Remember to always consult with your dental professional and followed their tailored recommendations.
How Plaque Bacteria on the Tongue Can Impact Your Oral Health
Your tongue is a vital part of your body; it aids in chewing, swallowing and digesting food.2 It’s also vital to speaking.2 Therefore, any problems with your tongue such as pain, swelling, discoloration or trouble moving can potentially indicate more serious health issues.2 Should you experience any issues with your tongue, it is strongly recommended to contact your dentist or healthcare provider as soon as possible.
Plaque bacteria that has not been removed daily can change your tongue’s appearance by making it look discolored.2,3 Discoloration of your tongue can occur when the papillae on the tongue become inflamed or trap debris, like dead skin cells or bacteria that isn’t removed daily.7 The tongue can turn yellow as the debris can stain from eating and drinking.7 It is important to follow the directions given by your dental professional on how to care for your tongue daily.
Schedule a visit with your dental professional to have any discoloration reviewed and properly diagnosed.
White lesions on the tongue may also be a sign of oral thrush.2 This is a fungal infection that occurs inside of your mouth and can appear as creamy white lesions on your tongue or inner cheeks.4 For those with healthy immune systems, thrush is a minor problem that goes away in a matter of weeks when treated properly.4 Contact your healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment options.
What Is the Oral Microbiome?
The oral microbiome is the environment within your mouth that hosts a complex and diverse community of bacteria.5 The oral cavity forms the gateway to the body and is therefore subject to the rigors of food consumption, oral hygiene practices or poor lifestyle habits like smoking or alcohol consumption.5
The use of mouthwash can impact the balance of this often-studied ecosystem; alcohol-based mouthwash can indiscriminately eliminate both “good” and “bad” bacteria within the oral microbiome.5 Non-alcoholic mouthwash like parodontax Active Gum Health Mouthwash can kill 99.9% of plaque bacteria,* includes cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) and can also help prevent bad breath.6
How to Maintain Your Oral Health
Studies suggest that oral health is linked to general health, and the conditions of your mouth can impact the rest of your body.1 For example, some germs in your mouth, if not removed with daily oral care, may trigger cardiovascular issues.1 Germs in the mouth can also enter the lungs and might cause pneumonia and other respiratory issues.1
Therefore, maintaining a daily oral hygiene routine, along with routine visits to your dental professional can help you reduce your risk of infection and inflammation.2 Caring for your tongue daily can help reduce the amount of plaque bacteria and fungi from growing.2 To remove the buildup of plaque bacteria from your tongue, use a tongue scraper across its surface.2 Always follow the oral care routine your dental professional designed for you.
For a convenient way to brush both your teeth and your tongue, try the parodontax Complete Protection toothbrush, which has a built in tongue cleaner on the back of the brush.** Pair this with Active Gum Health Daily Mouthwash for a comprehensive oral care routine.
*Bacteria associated with gingivitis in a laboratory test
**With twice daily brushing
- Oral health: A window to your overall health. Mayo Clinic. Accessed 8/29/2024.
- Tongue Problems. Cleveland Clinic. Accessed 8/29/2024.
- White tongue. Mayo Clinic. Accessed 8/29/2024.
- Thrush. Cleveland Clinic. Accessed 8/29/2024.
- Mouthwash Effects on the Oral Microbiome: Are They Good, Bad, or Balanced? National Library of Medicine. Accessed 8/29/2024.
- A Fresh Look at Mouthwashes—What Is Inside and What Is It For? National Library of Medicine. Accessed 8/29/2024.
- Reducing tongue discoloration. American Dental Association. Accessed 10/24/24.